
Category: Ingredient Science

Dynamine® vs. TeaCrine®

Dynamine™ vs. TeaCrine®

March 17th, 2022

This is one question we get asked frequently – What are the differences between Dynamine™ and TeaCrine®? Let’s take a look at Dynamine™ vs. TeaCrine®. What is TeaCrine®? Theacrine (1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric acid) is a chemical cousin of caffeine that provides long-lasting energy, mood, and focus to complement the immediate, sharp energy infusion supplied by caffeine. TeaCrine® […]

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Why TeaCrine® Is the Perfect Caffeine Replacement

March 17th, 2022

Let’s talk about caffeine replacement and TeaCrine® . If you’re like most people, your day starts pretty much the same — roll out of bed and straight into the kitchen for a much-needed cup of coffee. What is it about coffee that’s so warm, comforting, and refreshing? Why is it the go-to way to start […]

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TeaCrine®’s Energy vs. Caffeine’s Energy

March 17th, 2022

What makes TeaCrine®’s energy different from caffeine’s? Well, both modulate adenosine, which is what signals fatigue. But, caffeine hits adenosine head-on. Adenosine can no longer fire the fatigue signal. TeaCrine®, on the other hand, “unlocks” adenosine through the side door. It isn’t as aggressive as caffeine’s signal, so adenosine can still fire – just to […]

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What is the best postbiotic?

What is the best postbiotic?

March 7th, 2022

What is a postbiotic and what is the best kind for you? The best postbiotic is the kind that comes from a diet rich in fiber and resistant starch and produces butyrate. Better yet, the best of the best would be a diet so rich in fiber (vegetables), fermented foods (kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut), and resistant […]

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Elite Gamers and Mental Stamina: A new gaming study

What is Mental Stamina: A [New] Gaming Study Tells All

March 4th, 2022

What is Mental Stamina? A new gaming study reveals that a combination of TeaCrine®, Dynamine™ and caffeine was superior to caffeine-alone. The combination increased mental performance (mental stamina) without increasing anxiety observed in the caffeine-only group. This new research demonstrated that elite gamers who pull long gaming marathons can remain vigilant and focused without the […]

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Fibriss™ fiber powder official video

Introducing: Fibriss® Organic Baobab Fiber

February 18th, 2022

Sometimes we lose things. Like car keys, ear pods, organic baobab fiber, days of the week, and even keeping track of our nutrition. Did we mention fiber? We lose track because we’re humans and humans – shocker – are fallible. It’s not surprising that, try as we might, we forget fiber intake. Sexy stuff, right? […]

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Benefits of Tributyrin

Tributyrin and Gut Health: Here’s the Scoop

February 2nd, 2022

The main benefits of tributyrin include getting postbiotic butyrate to your colon, as well as nourishing your WHOLE gut from small to large intestine. Butyrate is the end-goal for gut health, but getting enough can be difficult. Butyrate can break down before it reaches the colon, where the real work happens. With this supplement, some […]

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Fiber Fibriss™

The Science Behind Organic Fiber: A Review of Fibriss®

January 27th, 2022

Gut health is human health. While you may have heard this ad nauseam, it is true. So very, very true. This is why our goal of getting organic fiber powder Fibriss® into the hands of formulators and on every shelf matters to us. Fibriss® is organic fiber powder and we know it is going to […]

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CoreBiome® Tributyrin Wellness

CoreBiome® Tributyrin: The Source of Wellness

January 13th, 2022

PATENT-PENDING CoreBiome® Tributyrin is indeed the source of wellness. In fact, we truly believe the gut is the “Master Switch To Wellness.” Nearly all our internal systems are influenced by the gut—from the heart and brain to skin and immune. If you can master the gut, then you can often master the other systems. What […]

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what does a postbiotic do?

What a Postbiotic Does

January 7th, 2022

Postbiotics are a growing research topic for gut health experts but what does a postbiotic do? When pre- and probiotics work together in the gut, there is a fermentation process that occurs in which the outcome is postbiotic. We used to call them “waste products.” But these postbiotics aren’t a waste! Postbiotics can be made […]

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PeakO2® Supply Chain

Supply Chain Woes: PeakO2® Might Be The Answer

November 17th, 2021

Ingredient swapping is probably on your mind right now and that’s not surprising. As a nebulous supply chain crisis looms above formulator heads, it’s time to make innovative moves in order to differentiate with PeakO2®. Enter: PeakO2® for Supply Chain Solutions For over a decade, beta-alanine and citrulline have dominated pre-workout formulas while PeakO2 was […]

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Gamer Products

Buy Gaming Products with Extended Energy Benefits

November 2nd, 2021

We don’t want to brag but we did just conduct a seminal gaming study leveraging AIM Lab, created by Statespace. The study concluded that supplementation with 75mg Dynamine™ and 50mg of TeaCrine® amplified key aspects of cognitive control, and greater consistency in reaction time when added to a moderate 125mg dose of caffeine (about an […]

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benefits of tributyrin

What are the benefits of Tributyrin?

September 7th, 2021

The main benefit of tributyrin include getting postbiotic butyrate to your colon faster. Butyrate is the end-game for gut health, but getting enough can be difficult. Butyrate can break down before it reaches the colon, where the real work happens. With tributyrin, it’s able to bypass the stomach and release butyrate in both the small […]

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What is a postbiotic?

What is a postbiotic?

September 7th, 2021

A postbiotic is the material that comes from your good gut bacteria after it has fermented the undigested fiber and resistant starch your body ingested from vegetables. That’s the short, easy answer when it comes to the question, “what is a postbiotic?”  Let’s dive into the complete answer so that you know the difference between […]

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Monk Fruit and Stevia

What’s Wrong with Stevia and Monk Fruit

July 12th, 2021

The typical natural sweetening system consists of stevia + monk fruit. The combination tastes great, but… It’s expensive The supply is tight Sustainability is questionable Now there’s a better alternative that will make the stevia-monk fruit combination obsolete. Monk fruit’s cost-in-use is one the highest of any sweetener in the world. The cost per kilo […]

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